Conference of Historians
Annual Meeting
13-15, 2015
Southern College
by Florida Southern College
General Information
Transportation to
Lakeland (The Terrace Hotel)
traveling to the meeting by air, the local arrangements committee recommends
flying into either Orlando International Airport or Tampa International
Airport. However, flying into Tampa is
preferred, if you want to avoid traffic.
Both airports offer car rental services.
In addition, shuttle/taxi service is available through Sundance Shuttle
and Limo, 863-512-3334 (website: http://www.sundancelimofl.com). The Tampa-Lakeland (Terrace Hotel) trip would
be $75 one way; the Orlando-Lakeland (Terrace Hotel) trip would be $90 one way.
The Terrace Hotel
is available at the Terrace Hotel (http://www.terracehotel.com). All guests have complimentary valet parking,
which is located at the main entrance off Massachusetts Avenue. Self-parking is also available for those
guests who would prefer it.
Directions to the 2015 FCH Annual Meeting
annual meeting will be held at Florida Southern College in Lakeland. The address is: 111 Lake Hollingsworth Drive;
Lakeland, FL 33801. The Terrace Hotel is
no more than 1 mile away from FSC's campus.
There is no shuttle service; however, you may walk, take a very short
taxi or bus ride, or drive to campus.
Parking is available in the VB, VBB, and VA parking lots. More information on getting to campus,
including parking, is available on the Florida Southern College website: http://www.flsouthern.edu
Locations on FSC’s Campus Map
1) Visitor Parking
Designated Lots: VB, VBB, and VA
Map Location: Northwest part of campus along Frank Lloyd Wright Way and Johnson Avenue
2) Christoverson
Humanities Building
Map Location: A-5
Building Code: CH
3) McKay Archives
Map Location: B-2
Building Code: AR
4) Sharp Family Tourism and
Education Center
Map Location: 750 Frank Lloyd Wright Way
Building Code: TO
5) Wellness Center Gym
Map Location: F-4
Building Code: HW
6) Anne MacGregor Jenkins
Recital Hall (Branscomb Auditorium)
Map Location: B-4
Building Code: B
Local Arrangements Chair
James M. Denham
Florida Southern College
Program Chair
Jesse Hingson
Jacksonville University
Officers of the
Florida Conference of Historians, 2015-2016
President James M. Denham
Florida Southern College
President-Elect Patricia Farless
University of Central Florida
Treasurer Jesse Hingson
Jacksonville University
Secretary David Proctor
Tallahassee Community College
FCH Annals:
The Journal of the Florida Conference of
Senior Editor
Michael S. Cole
Florida Gulf Coast University
Statement of Governance
According to the FCH Constitution, participation in the annual meeting is open to persons interested in any field of history or any area of study of historical interest. The Executive Council of the organization includes a president, a president-elect, a vice president, a secretary, and a treasurer. Each year at its annual business meeting, the attending members choose a president-elect to be the person who will host the annual meeting during the following year. The vice president automatically becomes the president-elect the next year, i.e., the year that she or he hosts the annual meeting. The president is responsible for organizing the annual meeting. The secretary and treasurer serve three year terms of office in order to provide some stability to the organization. Officers are advised as needed by an "Executive Council" composed of past presidents, the treasurer, and the secretary. Officers receive no compensation.
Friday, February 13, 2015
1:00-5:00 PM: Registration
Location: Christoverson Humanities Building Lobby
Frank Lloyd Wright Architecture Tour Available:
The "Basic Tour" (1 hour) costs for groups varies based on the number, 15-24 people is $17, 25 or more is $15. The "In-Depth Tour" (2 hours) takes the visitor inside every structure available and the cost for 15-24 people is $27 and 25 or more people $24. The tour needs to start no later than 3:30 for the "Basic Tour" and 2:30 for the "In-Depth Tour".
Location: Sharp Family Tourism and Education Center,
Florida Southern College
Contact: 863-680-4597
E-mail: fllw@flsouthern.edu
Website: http://www.flsouthern.edu/fllw-visitors.aspx
Session One: Friday, 2:00 PM-3:15 PM
Panel 1A: "Intersections: Teaching and Digital Humanities"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 109,
Wynee's "Moc" Theatre
Space, Place, and
Digital Tools:
Creating A Semester
Long Digital Assignment
Julian Chambliss and Mike Gunter, Jr., Rollins College
Digging into the
Digital Archive
Scot French, University of Central Florida
The Severan
Provincial Coinage Project
Julie Langford, University of South Florida
Chair and Discussant: Will Guzman, Florida A&M University
Panel 1B: "Congressman James A. Haley (1953-1977)
Addresses the Issues", I
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 112
Congressman James A.
Haley on Campus Disorders, 1969-1971
Daniel Montes, Florida Southern College
Congressman James A.
Haley and Animal Welfare and Animal Experimentation
Miranda Hendricks, Florida Southern College
Congressman James A.
Haley Addresses the My Lai Massacre
David Verner, Florida Southern College
Chair and Discussant: Colleen Moore, Florida Southern College
Panel 1C: "Early European Colonization of Florida"
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 207
Florida's French
Settlers in European Context:
Spain, England and France's Wars of Religion
Denice Fett, University of North Florida
On Disparate
French-Timucua Relations in the Early Colonial Period
Christophe Boucher, College of Charleston
Breaking the Bank:
Pedro Menéndez, La Florida, and the Siphoning of the Spanish Empire
Katherine A. Godfrey, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg
Chair and Discussant: Michael S. Cole, Florida Gulf Coast University
Panel 1D: "The Relationship between the United States and Cuba"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 208
The War that Made
How the
Spanish-American War Saved the U.S. Film Industry
Candice Shy Hooper, Independent Scholar
The Struggle Against
Bandits: The Cuban Revolution and Responses to CIA-Sponsored
Counter-Revolutionary Activity, 1959-1963
Anthony Rossodivito, University of North Florida
Recovering the
History of the Mariel Boatlift in Mirta Ojito’s Finding Mañana
José Manuel Garcia, Florida Southern College
Chair and Discussant: José Manuel Garcia, Florida Southern College
Session Two:
Friday, 3:30 PM-4:45 PM
Panel 2A: "Florida Southern College McKay Archives Exploration"
Meeting Room: McKay Archives
Florida Citrus Labels: Markers of Culture
Anthony Woodside, Florida Southern College
From Florida Citrus
Queen to Miss Florida Citrus:
A Changing Title for
a Changing World
Selys Rivera, Florida Southern College
Henry Green Barnett: Man of Wonders
Sean Mold, Florida Southern College
Chair and Discussant: Jeff Zines, Florida Southern College
Panel 2B: Documentary, "Filthy Dreamers", Narrated by Cheryl Hines
Special Interest Section: Media, Arts, and Culture
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 109,
Wynee's "Moc" Theatre
Screening and Discussion:
Lisa Mills, University of Central Florida
Robert Cassanello, University of Central Florida
Who should control what is taught in our public
universities? Educators? Citizens?
Or, politicians? In 1927 Florida
State College for Women in Tallahassee was the only public university available
for white females, and it found itself at the center of an ideological battle
over faith and science in the classroom.
The outcome depended on the college president, professors, and female
students, who defended their right to academic freedom. The religious
fundamentalist who initiated the attack called all of them “Filthy Dreamers”. This 29-minute film features alumna of
Florida State College for Women, lively experts, and retired U.S. Senator Bob
Graham, who continues to be an outspoken education advocate. They help us
understand the relevance of this battle today, as religious fundamentalists
continue to urge lawmakers that evolution and climate change should be taught
as theory, rather than fact. This
documentary was researched, shot, written, and edited by students in a UCF
Interdisciplinary Honors Seminar class under the direction of Dr. Robert
Cassanello and Dr. Lisa Mills.
Panel 2C: "Hidden Histories of Tampa"
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 206
Out of Bounds in
Jook Joints and the
Anti-VD Campaign during World War II
Andrew Huse, University of South Florida Libraries
The Gasparilla
Tampa's Well Behaved
Women Making a Difference
Kimberly Wilmot Voss, University of Central Florida
The Barber and His
Wife: Bonds of Matrimony, Profession, and Activism in Tampa's Black Community
Charles McGraw, University of Tampa
Chair and Discussant: Deborah L. Bauer, University of South Florida
Panel 2D: "Perspectives on Conflict in the Old South"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 209
Exploring the
Master-Slave Relationship in the Lower Mississippi Valley during the Early
Patrick Luck, Florida Polytechnic University
Southerners are Very
Dueling and Politics in the Nineteenth Century South
Matthew Byron, Young Harris College
“There is no
difference between a He and a She Adder in Their Venom”: Confederate Women in the Occupied South
Jacqueline Glass Campbell, Francis Marion University
Chair: James M. Denham, Florida Southern College
Discussant: Craig Buettinger, Jacksonville University
Panel 2E: "The Near East and Balkans in the Early Twentieth Century”
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 208
Amid the Wreckage of
the Great War:
Rev. J. Calvitt
Clarke's Inspection Tour with Near East Relief, 1921
J. Calvitt Clarke III, Jacksonville University
The Red Terror of
Greece's EAM Communist Resistance Movement against the Other Resistance Groups
in German Occupied Greece, 1943-1944
Nickolaos Mavromates and George Mavromates,
Independent Scholars
Chair and Discussant: Colleen M. Moore, Florida Southern College
5:00-6:00 PM: Welcome
Location: Sharp Family
Tourism and Education Center
Florida Southern
Refreshments Available
Saturday, February 14, 2015
8:00 AM-4:00 PM: Registration
Location: Christoverson Humanities Building Lobby
Refreshments Available
Frank Lloyd Wright Architecture Tour Available:
Basic Tour is $20 at 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM; In-Depth Tour is $35 at 10:30 AM or 1:00 PM. FCH Attendees will receive a 10% discount off the regular price.
Location: Sharp Family Tourism and Education Center,
Florida Southern College
Contact: 863-680-4597
E-mail: fllw@flsouthern.edu
Website: http://www.flsouthern.edu/fllw-visitors.aspx
Session Three: Saturday,
8:00 AM-9:15 AM
Panel 3A: "New Studies on Non-Western Religions"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 206
Sacrifices and their
Significance in the Pre-Islamic Arab Religion
Hessa T Al-Hathal,
Princess Nora bint Abdul Rahman University (Saudi Arabia)
The Rise of Modern
Japanese Religions
Kazuo Yagami, Savannah State University
Chair and Discussant: Alan Smith, Florida Southern College
Panel 3B: "Re-Examining the Impact of World War I"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 208
Dependence or
The Low Countries and the United States at Versailles
Hubert P. van Tuyll, Georgia Regents University
David Lamar, Wolf of Wall Street and German Agent in World War I Heribert von Feilitzsch, Independent Scholar
War and the Ballet
Lylas Rommel, Ave Maria University
Chair and Discussant: Jack McTague, Saint Leo University
Panel 3C: "History and Pedagogy"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 209
The Pedagogical
Merits and Pitfalls of Using the Letters of Hernan Cortes to Teach the Conquest
of Mexico
Michael S. Cole, Florida Gulf Coast University
Fictionalizing History
in the College Classroom
Claudia Slate, Florida Southern College
Chair: Michael S. Cole, Florida Gulf Coast University
Discussant: Nicholas Steneck, Wesleyan College
Panel 3D: "Women Saving Florida"
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 207
Miami Maven Helen
Writer, Historian,
Advocate & Tea Party Host
Kimberly Wilmot Voss, University of Central Florida
Saving Biscayne:
Women's Roles in the Effort to Save the Bay
Leslie Kemp Poole, Rollins College
The "Housewife
Who Roared": Marjorie Harris Carr and the Death of the Cross Florida Barge
Peggy Macdonald, Florida Polytechnic University
Chair and Discussant: Kimberly Wilmot Voss,
University of Central Florida
Session Four: Saturday, 9:30
AM-10:45 AM
Panel 4A: "Immigrant Identities and Experiences"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 206
Jacob De Cordova:
Immigrant, Messenger and Prophet
Tom Aiello, Gordon State College
Fighting for Freedom
through the Press:
The 'Phoenix' and
Irish-American Nationalism
Matt Knight, University of South Florida
Chair and Discussant: Douglas Astolfi, Saint Leo University
Panel 4B: "Gender and Race in Comics"
Special Interest Section: Media, Arts, and Culture
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 208
The Adventures of Ms.
Celebrating the Female Superhero through Digital Gaming
Sarah Zaidan, Emerson College
Iron Maidens:
Female Muslim Superheroes and the Representation of Agency
Helen Tarzwell, Independent Scholar
Ambassadors of Race:
The Role of Sports Personalities in Breaking the Color Barrier in American
Christopher Hayton, Florida State University
Chair: Julian Chambliss, Rollins College
Discussant: Lisa Mills, University of Central Florida
Panel 4C: "The Politics of Banking and Finance in the US since the Nineteenth Century"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 209
Andrew Jackson's Bank
"The Bank, Mr.
Van Buren is trying to kill me, but I will kill it!"
Michael J. Goodwin, Florida Atlantic University
Eastern Airlines:
Deregulation, Labor Wars, and Bankruptcy
Rhonda Cifone, Florida Atlantic University
AIG: Why It Couldn't
Douglas Provenzano, Florida Atlantic University
Chair and Discussant:
Lesley Mace, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta-Jacksonville Branch
Panel 4D: "Florida, Race, and Ideology at the Turn of the Twentieth Century"
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 207
Defending the Old
South: The Myth of the Lost Cause in Florida
Seth A. Weitz, Dalton State College
Beating Back the Mob:
One Florida Sheriff’s
Fight Against Racial Vigilantism
Billy Townsend, Independent Scholar
Chair and Discussant: Sean McMahon, Florida Gateway College
Panel 4E: "Russia and the World"
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 210
Russia and the United
States: A Distanced Relationship,
Michael Twillman, New College of Florida
Bolsheviks in
Bavaria: Soviet Republics in Central
Europe, 1919
Jim Dickey, New College of Florida
Chair: David Allen Harvey, New College of Florida
Discussant: Hubert P. van Tuyll, Georgia Regents University
Five: Saturday, 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Panel 5A: "Artistic Representations of Historical Trauma in Latin America"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 206
Redeeming Memory
through the Dysfunctional, Dis-united "no-body": A Neo-Baroque Approach
to Doris Salcedo's Oeuvre
Andrea Villa, University of Florida
Memory and
Dictatorship in the Antidetective Fiction
of the Southern Cone
Alicia Mercado-Harvey, New College of Florida
Chair and Discussant: Jesse Hingson, Jacksonville University
Panel 5B: "State Building and Democracy in the Americas during the Late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries"
Meeting Room: Christoverson 209
School Boards and the
Limits of Local Management of Primary Education: Brief Democratic Experiments in Argentina’s
Interior Provinces, 1872 to 1874
Mark McMeley, Valencia College
Vicissitudes of
Democratic Party Politics: From the Cross of Gold Crusade to the Great War
Thomas J. McInerney, Metropolitan State University of Denver
Chair: Mark McMeley, Valencia College
Discussant: Heribert von Feilitzsch, Independent Scholar
Panel 5C: "Remembering the Ancient World"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 207
The Grand Procession
at Daphne: An Example of Late Seleucid Strength
Tyler Campbell, University of Central Florida
Ancient Roman Women
in Modern Cinema
Andrea Schwab, Florida Atlantic University
Chair and Discussant: J. Calvitt Clarke III, Jacksonville University
12:00 PM-12:50 PM:
Lunch (on your own)
Options Close to the Meeting Site:
· FSC Cafeteria (FSC Student Union)
· TuTus Cyber Cafe (directly in front of the FSC Library)
· Reececliff's Cafe (three blocks from campus, on Florida Avenue)
· "Subs and Such" (next to Reececliffs on Florida Avenue)
· Numerous options downtown next to Terrace Hotel
FCH Business Meeting
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 210
Session Six: Saturday,
1:00 PM-2:15 PM
Panel 6A: "Identities in Colonial Latin American Society”
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 210
Growing Up Mestizo:
Forming New Identities in Colonial Society
Madeleine Yount, New College of Florida
Santidade in Bahia
and the Role of Millenarianism
Victoria McCollough, New College of Florida
Chair: Alicia Mercado-Harvey, New College of Florida
Discussant: Sara Rodríguez-Argüelles Riva, The Ohio State University
Panel 6B: "Southern Drawls: Rhetoric, Discourse, and the US South"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 209
Peace If Possible,
Justice At Any Rate: The Views of Wendell Phillips
Charles Boyd, Georgia State University
Gossip" and the Threat to White Male Supremacy in the South: Woman
Suffrage Politics and Rhetoric in Middle Georgia,
Megan Neary, Georgia State University
Chair and Discussant: David Proctor, Tallahassee Community College
Panel 6C: "Exploring Irish Legends, Folklore, and History"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 208
Evil vs. Enchanted
Magic: The Demonization of Morgan le Fay and Preservation of Folkloric Roots in
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Cheyenne Oliver, Florida Atlantic University
Gender and Comedy in
the Medieval Irish Tale "Bricriu's Feast"
Jennifer Dukes-Knight, University of South Florida
Redefined Nationhood:
English National
Identity and the Irish War of Independence
Michael Makosiej, Florida Atlantic University
Chair: Jack McTague, Saint Leo University
Panel 6D: "Approaching Modern Germany from a Global and Transnational Perspective"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 206
Nation(s) of
Provincials? The Role of Multinational Empire, Federalism, and Particularism in
Defining Politics, Law, and the State from 1500-2000
Bernd Grewe, Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg (Germany)
Germans as World
Citizens? The Contradictory Forces of Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism in
Central European Culture and Society, 1500-2000
Eric Kurlander, Stetson University
Germany’s Place in
the Sun: Capitalism, Empire, and Globalization
Doug McGetchin, Florida Atlantic University
Chair: Richards Plavnieks, University of Central Florida
Discussant: Patricia Kollander, Florida Atlantic University
Panel 6E: "The Environment and Nature in Florida's History"
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 207
"The Dead are in
Some Respects Better Than the Living":
Lake City and the
Hurricane of 1896
Sean McMahon, Florida Gateway College
From Wasteland to
An Environmental
History of Florida's Southwest Gulf Coast
Nano E. Riley, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg
The Hammer, the
Sickle, and the Phosphate Rock: The 1974 Political Controversy over Florida
Phosphate Shipments to the Soviet Union
Brad T. Massey, Polk State College and the University of Florida
Chair and Discussant: Seth Weitz, Dalton State College
Co-Discussant: Robert Hutchings, Carnegie Mellon University
Panel 6F: "What Dreams May Come:
Urban Utopia and Dystopia in American Popular Culture"
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 109
Buying the American
Dream: Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House and Postwar National Consensus
Joy Feagan, New College of Florida
Building the 'Noir
City': Cultural Visions of the Bradbury Center and the Politics of Urban
Zane Plattor, New College of Florida
For Your Amusement:
The Display of Nostalgia and the Production of Desire in Disneyland
Shoshana Lovett-Graff, New College of Florida
Chair and Discussant: Brendan Goff, New College of Florida
Session Seven: Saturday, 2:30 PM-3:45 PM
Panel 7A: "Questioning Connections Between Heteronormativity and the Law Throughout History"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 206
Against Neutrality:
The Law As a Facilitator of Violence Against Women
Sara Rodríguez-Argüelles Riva, The Ohio State University
Consent and
Citizenship: Reshaping Women's
Relationship to the State from Rape Shield Laws to Affirmative Consent Policies
Erin Tobin, The Ohio State University
Controlling Sexuality
Through the Construction and Criminalization of Red Light Districts
Joshua Bates, The Ohio State University
Chair: Karen Huber, Wesleyan College
Discussant: Erin Tobin, The Ohio State University
Panel 7B: "Visions, Versions, and Voices: Collective and Divergent Histories in the Panama Canal Museum Collection"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 209
Perspectives and Myths in the Center of the Canal Zone
Shelley Arlen, University of Florida
Facing Diversity:
Challenges of Curating an Exhibit on the Panama Canal
Margarita Vargas-Betancourt, University of Florida
Collective Visions of
Triumph and Tourism: Portrayals of Panama and the Panama Canal in Stereographs
Rebecca Fitzsimmons, University of Florida
Chair and Discussant: Jessica Belcoure, University of Florida
Panel 7C: "Emerging (Mass) Markets: Madame Butterfly, Coco Chanel, and the Psychology of Buying and Selling"
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 207
Crossings: Performing the 'Far East'
Nicole Rockower, New College of Florida
Chanel No. 5: An
Historical Interpretation of a Cultural Staple
Kana Hummel, New College of Florida
Consumers and Selling to the Subconscious: Psychology and Marketing in
Twentieth-Century America
Madi Huffstickle, New College of Florida
Chair and Discussant: Brendan Goff, New College of Florida
Panel 7D: "Turbulent Transitions: America in the 1970s and 1980s"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 208
From Confrontation to
Exclusion: The Military-Press Relationship in the Wake of the Vietnam War
Andrew J. McLaughlin, University of Waterloo (Canada)
A Tale of Two
Pardons: Gerald Ford's Amnesty for Richard Nixon and Clemency for Draft Dodgers
Jason Friedman, Wasatch Academy
Disability Civil
Rights Laws through the 1970s and 1980s
Liana Souchet, Florida Southern College
The United States,
Reagan, Gorbachev, and Their Implications on the Soviet Collapse
Christopher Walsh, Florida Gulf Coast University
Chair and Discussant: Marco Rimanelli, Saint Leo University
Panel 7E: "Sources for Understanding Early Modern England"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 210
Romeo and Juliet: A
Statue of Liberty
Olivia Coulomb University of Clermont-Ferrand, CERHAC
Pleasure, Honor, and
Profit: Samuel Hartlib in his Papers, 1620-1662
Timothy Earl Miller, Georgia State University
Chair and Discussant: Jennifer Dukes-Knight, University of South Florida
Session Eight: Saturday,
4:00 PM-5:30 PM
Panel 8A: "Constructing and Re-Constructing Race in
Modern Urban America"
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 206
Reconstructing Racial
Caste in 'Post-Racial' America: From Racism to Respectability
Patrick Tonissen, New College of Florida
Anglo-Saxon America
vs. Pacific Empire: Multi-Racial and Multi-Spatial Perspectives on the Origins
of Japanese American Internment
Michael Dorney, New College of Florida
Counterculture Comix
and the City: Portraying Racial Tensions and Urban Decay in Underground Comics
Dario Mitchell, New College of Florida
A Pineland
Understory: Women and African Americans in the Historical Environment of Orange
City, Florida
Kimberly Reading, Stetson University
Chair: Brendan Goff, New College of Florida
Discussant: Erin Tobin, The Ohio State University
Panel 8B: "Territorial Florida in Transition"
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 207
extraordinary measure of permitting the two Scotsmen to import British trade
goods": A Spanish Borderlands Historiographic Reconsideration of the
Panton, Leslie, and Company
Kathryn L. Beasley, Florida State University
The Contraband Hub:
Florida and Smuggling during the Early Republic
Daniel Vogel, Texas Christian University
George Brown: Letters
of a Florida Pioneer
Keith L. Huneycutt, Florida Southern College
Chair and Discussant: Deborah L. Bauer, University of South Florida
Panel 8C: "Bubbles and Crises in Florida"
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 210
Currency, Credit, Crises and Cuba: The Fed's Early History in Florida Lesley Mace, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta-Jacksonville Branch
Seminole Gaming in
Tribal Sovereignty, Economics, and the Law
Shellie A. Labell, Florida Atlantic University
A Capital Idea:
Northern Dollars, Southern Citrus, and the Exploitation of a Tax Shelter in
Postwar Florida
Robert Hutchings, Carnegie Mellon University
Chair and Discussant: Sean McMahon, Florida Gateway College
Panel 8D: "France and the World during the Long Nineteenth Century"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 209
Blurred Lines:
Debating the Status of Free People of Color in the Pre-Revolutionary French
David Allen Harvey, New College of Florida
"The Simplicity
of the Dove and the Intelligence of the Snake":
Revolutionary Paris
Dawn Shedden, University of South Florida, St Petersburg
Napoleon and America,
Marco Rimanelli, Saint Leo University
"Forging a New
France": Gustave Le Bon's Vision of Nationalism and Race, 1881-1931
Khali I. Navarro, University of Central Florida
Chair and Discussant: Erika Vause, Florida Southern College
Panel 8E: "Anglo-American Culture in the Eighteenth Century" Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 208
The Jolly Roger and
the Bloody Code: Piracy and Capital Punishment in Eighteenth-Century England
Chase Kelly, Valdosta State University
Religious Loyalties
Transformed: Anglican Liturgy, Presbyterian Polity, and the American Revolution
Jenny Smith, Valdosta State University
Chair: Nicholas Steneck, Wesleyan College
6:00 PM-7:00 PM: Banquet
Wellness Center Gym, Florida Southern College
Welcoming Remarks
Dr. James M. Denham
Florida Southern College
FCH President, 2015-2016
Presentation of Best Paper Awards
J. Calvitt Clarke III Award for Best Undergraduate Student
Paper: Presented by J. Calvitt Clarke III, Jacksonville University
Blaine Browne Award for Best Graduate Student Paper:
Presented by Jesse Hingson, Jacksonville University
Thomas M. Campbell Award for Best Professional Paper:
Presented by David Proctor, Tallahassee Community College
FCH Annals Remarks
Dr. Michael S. Cole
Florida Gulf Coast University
Senior Editor, FCH
Invitation to the 2016 FCH Annual Meeting in Orlando
Patricia Farless
University of Central Florida
FCH President-Elect
7:00 PM-8:30 PM: Keynote
Wellness Center Gym, Florida Southern College
Welcoming Remarks
Dr. Brad Hollingshead
Dean of Arts and Sciences, Florida Southern College
Introduction of Keynote Speaker
Dr. James M. Denham
Florida Southern College
Keynote Address
Dr. Jane Landers
Vanderbilt University
"Filling in the
Missing Pieces": The Extraordinary Life of Captain Francisco Menendez,
Leader of the Free Black Town of Gracia Real de Santa Theresa de Mose
Born of a
Spanish father and an African mother, Francisco Menéndez escaped colonial South
Carolina and like hundreds of others in similar condition found his way to
Spanish Florida, where he received his freedom in exchange for converting to
Catholicism and joining the militia in defense of the beleaguered colony. As a loyal subject of the Spanish crown,
Menéndez served his king as a soldier and was appointed head of black militia
based at Fort Mose, approximately one mile north of St. Augustine. Menéndez’s remarkable human saga, as told
through primary documents discovered in Spain and Cuba, is a story of the
perseverance and resourcefulness under extreme hardships.
Sunday, February 15, 2014
9:00 AM-12:00 PM: Registration
Location: Christoverson Humanities Building Lobby
Refreshments Available
Frank Lloyd Wright Architecture Tour Available:
Basic Tour is $20 at 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM; In-Depth Tour is $35 at 10:30 AM or 1:00 PM. FCH Attendees will receive a 10% discount off the regular price.
Location: Sharp Family Tourism and Education Center,
Florida Southern College
Contact: 863-680-4597
E-mail: fllw@flsouthern.edu
Website: http://www.flsouthern.edu/fllw-visitors.aspx
Session Nine: Sunday,
8:00 AM-9:15 AM
Panel 9A: "Perspectives on Cold War Events at Home and Abroad"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 207
Sputnik Verses Eisenhower:
Reassessing the Situation
Patrick Gallagher, Florida Gulf Coast University
Placing Responsibility
for the Bay of Pigs Operation
Hannah Lipsey, Florida Gulf Coast University
The Fall of the Communist
Government in Bulgaria
Samouil Panayotov, Florida Gulf Coast University
Erik D. Carlson, Florida Gulf Coast University
Panel 9B: "Bloomers, Educators, and Prostitutes: Cultural and Geographical Borderlands of Female Reformers in the 19th Century" Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 206
Bloomers Were No
Bust: The Role of the Bloomer Campaign in Creating Gender Consciousness
Patricia Farless, University of Central Florida
US Teachers Populate
the Argentine Public Education System
Carolina Zumaglini, Florida International University
"Outline of a
Plan for a Self-sustaining Institution for Homeless and Outcast Females":
Emma Hardinge and CaroliTransatlantic Mission to Rescue the Lives of Outcast
Women in 1860s Boston
Lisa Howe, Florida International University
Chair and Discussant: Patricia Farless, University of Central Florida
Panel 9C: "Social Change and the Catholic Hierarchy"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 208
Knights and Bishops:
Catholic Bishops and the American Labor Movement in the 1880s
Zach Brasseur, Saint Leo University
Race, Cohabitation,
and the Archbishop: Antonio Maria Claret and Interracial Marriage in Cuba,
Sean Mallen, Florida Atlantic University
Chair and Discussant: Douglas Astolfi, Saint Leo University
Panel 9D: "Nation-Building in Africa"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 209
Food and Nationalism
in an Independent Ghana
Brandi Simpson Miller, Georgia State University
Nigeria, 1914-2014:
From Creation to Cremation?
Ojo Emmanuel Oladipo, Ekiti State University (Nigeria)
Chair and Discussant: Michael Joseph Mulvey, Saint Thomas University
Panel 9E: "Exploring the ‘Dark Turn’ in American History:
A Century of Irregular Warfare and Political Violence"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 210
“When Our Cannon They
Do Roar":
Revolutionary Privateering
and Violence at Sea
Kylie Alder Hulbert, University of Georgia
Excessive &
Expressive: Preston Brooks, Righteous Violence, and the White Southern Male
James Hill Welborn III, Georgia College and State University
The Moral High Ground
of a Guerrilla Massacre:
Lawrence, Kansas,
August 1863
Matthew C. Hulbert, University of Georgia
Chair and Discussant: David Proctor, Tallahassee Community College
Session Ten: Sunday,
9:30 AM-10:45 AM
Panel 10A: "The Modern War Economy and Society"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 206
"The Blessing of
Being Judged":
Napoleon's Moral
Economy of Credit and Debt
Erika Vause, Florida Southern College
Russian Peasants,
Speculators, and the State:
A Story of Food
Supply Work during World War I
Colleen M. Moore, Florida Southern College
Food for Conquerors:
Military Rations and
Patriotism as an Advertising Tool
Jordan Malfoy, Florida International University
Chair: Nicholas Steneck, Wesleyan College
Discussant: Colleen M. Moore, Florida Southern College
Panel 10B: "Congressman James A. Haley (1953-1977) Addresses the Issues," II
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 207
The Gentleman from
Florida and His Personal Crusade Against the Kinzua Dam
Michael Warne, Florida Southern College
Congressman James A. Haley and the Cuban Missile Crisis
Abby Eskridge, Florida Southern College
Congressman James A.
Haley and Foreign Aid to Israel in 1977
Jason Kochenburger, Florida Southern College
Chair and Discussant: James M. Denham, Florida Southern College
Panel 10C: "Children and Society during the Twentieth Century"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 208
Child Murder and
Society in Argentina during the Depression Era
Jesse Hingson, Jacksonville University
"Children do not
have race prejudice as a rule":
Reforming Children's
Radio in the 1940s
Amanda Bruce, Florida Polytechnic University
Baby Snowbirds:
Educational Experiences in the Orange Belt, c.1946-1956
Catherine R. Eskin, Florida Southern College
Chair: Jesse Hingson, Jacksonville University
Discussant: Karen Huber, Wesleyan College
Panel 10D: "Latin America during the Twentieth Century"
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 210
Clipped Wings: The
Truman Administration and the First Attempt at a Bilateral Air Transport
Agreement with Mexico, 1945-1947
Erik D. Carlson, Florida Gulf Coast University
Reimagining the
Tourism and the Golden
Ages in Haiti, 1946-1956
Tonya St. Julien, Florida International University
A Killing in
Quiriguá, Guatemala:
Race, Nation and
Empire in the Caribbean
Joseph Floyd, Georgia State University
Chair and Discussant: Michael S. Cole, Florida Gulf Coast University
Panel 10E: "Cultural Representations of Race and Racism"
Special Interest Section: Media, Arts, and Culture
Meeting Room: Christoverson Humanities Building 209
Our Land is Our
Church: The American Indian Movement's Mission to Retain Spiritual and Cultural
Christina Naruszewicz, University of Central Oklahoma
Black Entertainer,
White Audience:
R&B, Race, and
the Complexities of Crossing Over
C. Wylie Lenz, Florida Polytechnic University
The Anti-Semitic
Comic Dieudonné M’bala M’bala and Postcolonial Memory of the Shoah in France
Michael Joseph Mulvey, Saint Thomas University
Chair and Discussant: Julian Chambliss, Rollins College
Plenary Session: 11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Documentary: "Voices From Mariel"
Anne MacGregor Jenkins Recital Hall
Screening and Discussion:
José Manuel Garcia, Florida Southern College
On April
1, 1980, five individuals seeking political asylum crashed a bus through the
gates of the Peruvian embassy in Havana, Cuba. Over the next several days up to
10,000 people stormed that embassy’s grounds. Fearing that continued civil
unrest might cause further violence or even a coup d’état, Fidel Castro
proclaimed that any Cuban who wished to immigrate to the United States could
board a boat at the nearby port of Mariel. Thus were born “Los Marielitos.” Told through the previously unheard stories
of ten Cuban-American families, “Voices From Mariel” brings new insight into
the lives of over 100,000 Cuban-born immigrants who came to the United States
thirty years ago as the survivors of the “Mariel Boatlift.” “Voices From
Mariel” explores the legacy of the brave and committed people who risked their
lives for a new chance in the United States. Thirty years later, where has that
short but dangerous 90-mile sail across the Straits of Florida taken “Los
The Florida Conference of Historians began in 1962 as the Florida College Teachers of History (FCTH). FCTH founders included Sister Mary Rice of Barry University and Maurice Vance and Tom Campbell of Florida State University. They conceived of an organization covering all historical fields that would give historians an opportunity to share their scholarship and develop a sense of collegiality among historians teaching history in Florida's colleges and universities. In 1992, the organization changed its name to the Florida Conference of Historians (FCH) to encourage participation by historians outside the state's colleges and universities. In 1993, the FCH began publishing the Selected Annual Proceedings of the Florida Conference of Historians. In 2011, the Executive Council members agreed to change the name of the annual proceedings to the FCH Annals: Journal of the Florida Conference of Historians, currently housed at Florida Gulf Coast University. The FCH is a federally recognized 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, and contributions (including bequests, gifts, etc) are tax deductible. Since the organization's first meeting in 1963, thirty different institutions of higher education have hosted the FCH.
Thanks To:
Kevin Adair,
Guest Services, Florida Southern College
Huneycutt, Florida Southern College
Erika Vause,
Florida Southern College
Tlachac, Director of the Frank Lloyd Wright Visitor Center, Florida Southern
Jackson, Jacksonville University
Thank you
for attending the
2015 Florida
Conference of Historians!
We hope to
see you again in Orlando
for the 56th
annual meeting hosted by
University of Central Florida!
Please go to
our website http://www.floridaconferenceofhistorians.org
or follow us
on Twitter (@FLHistorians) for updates.