Florida Conference of Historians
53rd Annual Meeting
March 1-2, 2013
Sudakoff Conference Center, New
College of Florida
Sarasota, Florida
8:30 AM-5:00 PM Friday and
8:30 AM-12:00 PM Saturday in Sudakoff Lobby
Session One:
Friday, March 1, 9:00-10:30 AM
Session 1A,
Friday, 9:00 AM-10:30 AM
and its Representations in Twentieth-Century America"
“Not All
Brides Are Wealthy and White: Integration of the Women's Pages in 1960s Florida
and Across the Country”
Voss, University of Central Florida
“Weighing in on Obesity: The Science, Business
and Politics of Weight Loss in America, 1850-1960”
Parker, Saint Leo University
“A Word from Our Sponsors: Challenging
Patriarchal Cultural Hegemony through Women's Consumerist Representation”
Kyle Bridge, University of North Florida
Chair/Discussant: Marcy Murray, State College of Florida
1B, Friday, 9:00 AM-10:30 AM
in Latin American History”
“Native Cultural Brokers and their Use of
Linguistic Manipulation in Seventeenth-Century Mesoamerica”
Cole, Florida Gulf Coast University
“Climate Change and Transatlantic Migration:
Local Adaptation by European Immigrants to the Southern Arid Pampas, Argentina
Yovanna Pineda, University of Central Florida
“Counter-Spinning the Cuban Insurgency:
"Facts and Fakes in Cuba" (1897)”
Andy Huse, University
of South Florida
Chair/Discussant: Alicia Mercado-Harvey, University of Florida
Session 1C, Friday, 9:00 AM-10:30 AM
“Colonialism, Power, and Violence in the
Twentieth Century”
“The Struggle
against Bandits in Cuba, 1959-1963”
Anthony Rossodivito,
University of North Florida
“The Ideologization of US-Guatemalan Relations, 1944-54”
Rodriguez, Florida Gulf Coast University
“The Belgian
Congo: A Country Ruled by Belgian Brutality”
Hannah Rawcliffe, Wesleyan College
Chair/Discussant: Christopher Williams, University College of
the Cayman Islands
Session 1D,
Friday, 9:00-10:30 AM
the Dark and the Light: Paternalism, Power, and Superhero Comics"
“The Saga of the Dark Phoenix: Gender, Power,
and Identity in the X-Men”
Cavenaugh and Julian Chambliss, Rollins College
“The Dark Knight as Daddy: The Fatherhood Roles of Batman through Time”
Craig, Warner University
“An Alternate
History of the Shogun’s Palace in Postmodern, Transnational Cultural Media
Kimiko Akita, University of Central Florida
Chair/Discussant: Julian Chambliss, Rollins College
Session Two: Friday, March 1, 10:45 AM-12:15 PM
Session 2A,
Friday, 10:45 AM-12:15 PM
The Intersectionality of Music and African-American
Legacy of John Henry”
Fang, Rollins College
“Let My
People Go: The Exodus and the Underground Railroad”
Mascarenhas, Rollins College
“Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel: An Analysis of
Christianity within the African Experience in the 19th Century”
Schultz, Rollins College
Chair/Discussant: Julian Chambliss, Rollins College
2B, Friday, 10:45 AM-12:15 PM
and the Representation of Violence”
“Conveying Racialized
Terror on Screen: Depictions of Southern
Lynching Culture from Early Race Films to Hollywood Blockbusters”
Tobin, Ohio State University
“Representations of Torture in Post-Modern
Detective Fiction in the Iberian Atlantic”
Alicia Mercado-Harvey, University of Florida
“The Television and the Fight against
Dictatorship in Brazil”
Paulo Azevedo Maia, Universidade Fluminense
Chair/Discussant: Jesse Hingson,
Jacksonville University
2C, Friday, 10:45-12:15
"Selling the Future, Serving the Public,
Marketing the Body, and Branding the Stars: Everyday Forms of Consumerism
in America"
“Tomorrowland Today:
Disney's Commodification of Time”
Thayer Warne, New College of Florida
“Commercial Expansion and the Service Ideal:
Profit in Private and Public Enterprise”
Max Imberman, New
College of Florida
“The Illusion of Intimacy: Women, Visibility,
and Marketing Beauty Culture”
Kiri Cutts, New College of Florida
Institutionalization of the Celebrity Image”
Sachnowski, New College of Florida
Chair/Discussant: Brendan Goff, New College of Florida
2D, Friday, 10:45 AM-12:15 PM
into Swords: Southern Men in War and
“Tenting Tonight: Manhood and Community in
Confederate Camps”
Broomall, University of North Florida
“The Boys of Lexington: Masculinity at
Washington College and the Virginia Military Institute, 1820-1865”
Cooper, University of Florida
“Edmund Ruffin: Agriculturalist Turned Agitator”
Thomas, University of North Florida
Chair/Discussant: Tim Williams, Appalachian State University
Lunch Break: 12:15-1:00 PM
lunch and beverages will be available for purchase in Sudakoff
Session Three, Friday,
March 1, 1:00-2:00 PM
3A, Friday, 1:00-2:00 PM
and Local History in Florida"
“Cracker Country and the Preservation of Florida
Badcock, University of South Florida
“The End of the Old Regime”: Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings’s Crackers in Modern Florida”
Berra, University of Florida
Chair/Discussant: Peggy Macdonald, Stetson University
3B, Friday, 1:00-2:00 PM
Paris Revisited: French Culture and its
“’Autour d’elle, le silence de
midi’: Negotiating Bohemian
Femininity in the Works of Marie Kryzinska”
Kotick, New College of Florida
“Rebels without a Cause: The Blousons Noirs,
American Popular Culture, and the Dilemmas of French Modernity, 1959-1963”
Fedorka, University of Central Florida
Chair/Discussant: David Allen Harvey, New College of Florida
3C, Friday, 1:00-2:00 PM
Education, and Public Policy in the Contemporary USA"
“The Resegregation of Public Schools and Magnets as a Solution”
Chris Duryea,
University of Florida
“The Importance of the Local: Reforming
Children's Radio and Television”
Amanda Bruce,
University of Tampa
Chair/Discussant: Mike Epple, Florida
Gulf Coast University
3D, Friday, 1:00-2:00 PM
De-Mystified: Roundtable Panel and
Tudor, Rollins College
Gorelick, University Press of Florida
McNair, Kenyon College
Murphree, University of Central Florida
Session Four, Friday,
March 1, 2:15-3:45 PM
4A, Friday, 2:15-3:45 PM
and Promoting the Sunshine State”
Greatness: Urban Boosters and the Tampa Bay Hotel”
Alena Pirok, University of South Florida
“From Seminoles to Pollution to
Farmworkers: Women and Environmental
Justice in Florida”
Kemp Poole, Rollins College
“Liquid Gold: The Rise and Fall
of Florida's Family Citrus Farms”
Peggy Macdonald, Stetson College
Chair/Discussant: Seth Weitz, Dalton
State College
4B, Friday, 2:15-3:45 PM
"State Innovations and Popular Reactions in
Latin American Capitals: Case Studies
from Lima, Bogota, and Caracas"
"Bourboning the
Urban: Reform after the 1746 Earthquake of Lima"
Judith Mansilla,
Florida International University
"Anarchic Arbitration: Urban Development in
the Wake of the Bogotazo"
Micah Oelze, Florida
International University
“Grain or Flour: The History of Venezuelans'
Love Affair with Maize”
Andreina Fernandez Fuenmayor, Florida
International University
Chair/Discussant: Michael Cole, Florida Gulf Coast University
Session 4C, Friday, 2:15-3:45 PM
and French Representations of the Other"
“God’s Country”: Religion and American Soldiers
in the American-Philippine War”
Daniel Bradfield, University of Central Florida
“Civilizing the Metropole:
The Role of the 1906 Marseille Colonial Exposition in Creating Greater France”
Michael Brooks, University of Central Florida
“Race and Gender in Reading the News: Coverage
of the Exposition coloniale internationale in L’Humanité and Le Figaro”
Zachary Morgan, University of Central Florida
Chair/Discussant: Amelia Lyons, University of Central Florida
4D, Friday, 2:15-3:45 PM
in Early American History”
“Germs, Gender, and Grog: A Social Perspective of Frontier Taverns in
the Early Republic”
Cain, Florida Gulf Coast University
“’The Savages Are Only the Allies of Greater
Savages’: The British-Indian Threat and the War of 1812”
Rock, University of Central Florida
“Archbishop John Hughes and the Two Great Crises
of the Civil War”
Jones, University of North Florida
Chair/Discussant: Blaine Browne, Broward College
Session Five, Friday,
March 1, 4:00-5:00 PM
5A, Friday, 4:00-5:00 PM
Culture: Carnival and Circus"
“Bringing the Legitimacy of Carnival and the Carnivalesque to Bear on Modern Rhetorical Caymanian
Williams, University College Cayman Islands
“Noble Savages, African Natives, and Harem
Girls: Representations of Race in the Golden Age of the American Circus and
Wild West Shows”
Murray, State College of Florida
Chair/Discussant: Sean McMahon, Florida Gateway College
5B, Friday, 4:00-5:00 PM
Generations of Bootlegging and Murder in Jacksonville, Florida: The Crimes of John B. and Clyde Hysler”
Laursen, Jacksonville University
“We Can’t Help It If We’re from Florida: A
History of the Florida Hardcore Punk Movement”
Garcia, Florida Southern College
Chair/Discussant: Andy Huse,
University of South Florida
5C, Friday, 4:00-5:00 PM
"Transporting the American Dream: Aviation,
Naval Policy, and the Projection of American Power in the Early Twentieth
“The Chosen Instrument: Pam American Airways and
U.S. International Aviation Policy, 1927-1938”
Carlson, Florida Gulf Coast University
“Teddy Roosevelt's Great White Fleet in the
Construction of Racial Hegemony, Gender Roles, and Nationalism, in the Early
Twentieth Century”
Gary DeSantis, Florida
State University
Chair/Discussant: Sarah Mergel,
Dalton State College
Keynote Address, Friday, 5:30-6:45 PM
“You’re History:
How We Know the Past”
Paul Kramer, Vanderbilt University
Conference Banquet, Friday, 7:00-8:30 PM
College Hall (on the bayfront
side of the New College of Florida campus)
Tickets required (included with registration
Session Six, Saturday, March 2, 8:30-10:00 AM
Session 6A, Saturday, 8:30-10:00 AM
“Race and Power in the Twentieth Century”
“Hollywood v. Fred Grey: Miss Evers' Boys and
the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment Apology”
Samuel Faith, Jacksonville University
“The Internal Politics of the Klan: The Struggle
for Power and the Role of Women”
Marah Ernest, Florida Southern College
“Marcus Garvey and the Class Struggle before
Sojourning to the United States”
Geoffrey Cravero,
University of Central Florida
Chair/Discussant: Erin Tobin, Ohio State University
Session 6B, Saturday, 8:30-10:00 AM
Identity, and Social Change in the Modern World"
“Creating European Identities in
Nineteenth-Century Travel-Writing”
Catherine Freeman, University of North Florida”
“The Karmic Retribution of Pei Huaigu: The Reign of China's Only Female Emperor from the View of an
Unofficial History
Kelly Carlton, University of North Florida
“Before King Came: The Local Civil Rights
Movement in St. Augustine, Florida, 1915-1960”
James Smith, University of North Florida
Chair/Discussant: Chau Johnsen Kelly, University of North Florida
Session 6C, Saturday, 8:30-10:00 AM
Lawyer's Memories of and Reflections about Gideon v. Wainwright.”
Tom Adamich, Visiting
Library Services, Chair and Facilitator
Bruce Jacob, Stetson Law School, Featured
Jim Schnur, University
of South Florida, Discussant
6D, Saturday, 9:00-10:00 AM
Iraq War in Historical Perspective"
“’The Best Covered War in History’: Intimate
Perspectives from the Battlefields of Iraq”
McLaughlin, University of Waterloo
“The Gulf War, The Untold Story: Secrecy and/or
Belgacem Mehdaoui, Sohar
University, Oman
Chair/Discussant: Marco Rimanelli,
Saint Leo University
Session Seven, Saturday, March 2, 10:15-11:45 AM
Session 7A, Saturday, 10:15-11:45 AM
"Sarasota’s Congressman James A. Haley
(D-Florida) Confronts the Issues of the Day (1952-1976)"
“Congressman James A. Haley and the Equal Rights
Chelsia Stone, Florida Southern College
“Congressman James A. Haley and the Southern
Tamala Restall, Florida Southern College
“Congressman James A. Haley and the Arts”
Marina Ortiz, Florida Southern College
James A. Haley and the Manatee School Crisis”
Destiny Swygard,
Florida Southern College
Chair/Discussant: James Denham, Florida Southern College
7B, Saturday, 10:15-11:45 AM
across Borders: Migration in Latin
American History"
“Mutualista Organizing
by U.S. Mexicans and Its Enduring Legacy”
Leininger Pycior, Manhattan
“The Boricua Triangle: Tampa, Miami and
Orlando-A Historical Overview of the Development of a Transnational Puerto
Rican Diaspora in Florida”
Vazquez-Hernandez, Miami Dade College
“The Ley de Residencia
and the Impact of Darwinism on Immigration Policy in 19th Century Argentina”
Naylor, University of South Florida
Chair/Discussant: Yovanna Pineda,
University of Central Florida
Session 7C, Saturday, 10:15-11:45 AM
“Florida in the 1960s”
The Johns Committee and the War Waged on Deviants”
Seth Weitz, Dalton State College
“The Other ‘68
Convention: The Republicans in Miami”
Sarah Mergel, Dalton State College
“Reporting from the Brink: How Newspapers in
Florida Covered the Cuban Missile Crisis”
Mike Epple, Florida
Gulf Coast University
Chair/Discussant: David Proctor, Tallahassee Community College
Session 7D,
Saturday, 10:15-11:45 AM
at War in the Age of Global Terror:
Israel, Italy, and the United States”
vs. Soft-Power in U.S. Diplomacy from 1979 to Today"
Lanier, Saint Leo University
Government Responses to Italian and Arab Terrorism from the
"Leaden Years" to the Achille Lauro Cruise-liner Hijacking"
Rimanelli, Saint Leo University
“The January
22 Israeli Elections”
Jack McTague, Saint Leo University
Chair/Discussant: Nicholas Steneck, Florida Southern College
Session Eight, Saturday,
March 2, 12:00-1:30 PM
8A, Saturday, 12:00-1:30 PM
"Windows into East Florida: Contact,
Conflict, and Rebellion from the Sixteenth through the Eighteenth
“Ais Indians’
Alliances, Diplomacy, and Networks in the Southeastern Borderlands, 1549-1743”
Peter Fernandino,
Florida International University
“Imperial Crisis in British East Florida,
Susan Schwartz, Florida International University
“Race in the
Spanish East Florida Rebellion of 1793-1795”
Silva, Florida International University
Chair: Jenna Gibbs, Florida International University
Discussant: Daniel Murphree,
University of Central Florida
8B, Saturday, 12:00-1:30 PM
in Medieval and Renaissance History”
“Restoring Empress Matilda’s Rightful Heritage:
Monarch, not Marginal Figure”
Niki Incorvia, Nova Southeastern
“The Albigensian
Crusade: The Role of Civilians in
Medieval Warfare”
Epple, Florida Gulf Coast University
“Reactionary Republicanism: The Stability of
Venetian Institutional Government, 1300-1600”
Michael McGurl, New
College of Florida
Chair/Discussant: Thomas McCarthy, New College of Florida
8C, Saturday, 12:00-1:30 PM
Press in the Twentieth Century”
“The Rwandan Genocide and French Media: A
Discourse Analysis of L’Express
and Le Monde””
Tyrrell, University of Central Florida
“A Discourse Analysis of the Visual and Textual
Construction of Women in Sports Illustrated From 1954 to 1964”
Gibson, University of Central Florida
“Baseball and Gambling: A Discourse Analysis of
the Cobb-Speaker Incident and Pete Rose Gambling Scandals through the Popular
Rotton, University of Central Florida
Chair/Discussant: Ezekiel Walker, University of Central Florida
8D, Saturday, 12:00-1:30
History in Times of Crisis: From the Diaspora to the Holocaust"
“Destruction of the Jewish Life in the Early
Years of the Soviet State: 1917-1933”
Gesin, Worcester State University
“Mothers of Israel: Jewish Female Civil
Leadership during the Refugee Crisis of the 1930s”
Harrison, Florida Gulf Coast University
Greatest Crime in Auschwitz Was To Be Pregnant:' Understanding Jewish Women's
Responses to Pregnancy and Abortion During the Holocaust."
Burger, New College of Florida
Chair/Discussant: Karen Huber, Wesleyan College