2011 Annual Meeting

April 14 -16

Florida Conference of Historians

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Host Institution: Broward College

Bahia Mar Beach Resort and Yachting Center

Current Officers of the Florida Conference of Historians

President – David Proctor, Tallahassee Community College

President – Elect – Blaine T. Browne, Broward College

Treasurer – Jesse Hingson, Jacksonville University

Secretary – David Proctor, Tallahassee Community College

Editor, Selected Proceedings of the Florida Conference of Historians – Michael Cole, Florida Gulf Coast University

Conference Planning:

Conference Coordinator – Blaine T. Browne, Broward College

Program Director – Susan J. Oldfather, Broward College

The Florida Conference of Historians Extends Its Appreciation to those Textbook Sales Representatives who took the time and effort to make our 2011 meeting more pleasurable and informative: Ashley Cain (W.W. Norton), Tracy Light (Pearson Education) and Cindy Rabinowitz (Bedford/St.Martin’s).

A Note to Those Chairing Sessions: Your basic obligations as chair of a session are few but nonetheless important. You should gather basic biographical information about the presenters prior to the session so as to introduce them appropriately. You should inform those present that it is customary to defer questions to the end of the session. It is crucial to manage your scheduled time appropriately. In most sessions, presenters are allotted about twenty minutes and it is the chair’s duty to cue them when their time elapses, perhaps providing a "five minute warning." For the purposes of this conference, there will be no appointed discussants unless specifically noted. As chair, you are also charged with managing the question-answer period and you are certainly free to pose questions or make comments yourself. Finally, you should bring your session to a timely close by thanking all of those who participated.

2011 Meeting

Florida Conference of Historians

Thursday – April 14

Registration and Reception

Bahia Mar Beach Resort, Harbor Lights Room

600 – 800 pm

Friday, April 15

800 – 1000am: Registration in Harbor Lights Room, 2nd Floor

Friday’s Food and Beverages Courtesy of Pearson Education Group

and Bedford / St.Martin’s

Note: Presenters who did not appear have been removed from the program.

800am-1230pm: Concurrent Sessions

800 – 915 am Session I: Topics in World Religion

Seafarer Room, 3rd Floor

Chair: David Proctor, Tallahassee Community College

"Holy Obedience beyond the Covenant: The Autobiography of Cecelia

Ferrazzi, Venice, 1665" – Ashley Lynn Buchanan, University of

South Florida

"The Business of Faith: Lascasian Missionary Practices of the Dominican

Mission Frontier" – Scott Cave, University of North Florida

800 – 915 am Session II: African Americans in the Modern Era

Mariner Room, 3rd Floor

Chair: Julian Chambliss, Rollins College

"Depicting the Black Other on Page and Stage: Historical Interpretations

Of Nineteenth Century Popular Culture and the Scholarship of Blackface

Minstrelsy" – Chris Tucker, Clark University

"’Stony the Road:’ African – Americans in Transition from Jacksonville to

St. Augustine, 1892 – 1918" – Rose C. Thevenin, Florida Memorial University

930 – 1045am Session I: Topics in Florida History

Seafarer Room, 3rd Floor

Chair: Seth A. Weitz, Dalton State College

"Massive Resistance to Civil Rights in Florida, 1945 – 1970"

Kisha King, Broward College

"‘You Can’t Hug a Newspaper:’ Janet Chusmir, the Miami Herald

and Newspaper Management" - Kimberly Voss, University of

Central Florida

"The Florida East Coast Railway: For More than 110 Years America’s

Speedway to Sunshine" – Seth H. Bramson, Barry University /

Florida International University

Session II: India: Empire and Nationhood

Mariner Room, 3rd Floor

Chair: Evan Lampe, St. Thomas University

"Hunting and Imperialism: British Female Hunters in Colonial India,

1860 – 1947" – Fiona Mani, West Virginia University

"Non-Alignment: Nehru’s Wisdom" – Pankaj Kumar, Vidant Hindu

College, Lucknow, India

1100 – 1230am

Session I: Latin America from Colonial to Contemporary Times

Seafarer Room, 3rd Floor

Chair: Sean McMahon, Florida Gateway College

"Witchcraft and the Inquisition in Colonial Latin American: The Case

of Diego Lopez" – Michael Cole, Florida Gulf Coast University

"Bill Delahunt and the Origins of Plan Colombia, 1990 – 2005" –

Landon Hinson, Jacksonville University

Session II: War and Ideology, Ancient and Modern

Mariner Room, 3rd Floor

Chair: Blaine T. Browne, Broward College

"Naval warfare during the Siege of Syracuse and Tyre,"

- Greg Miller, Hillsborough Community College

"From Nazi Youth to Child Soldiers of Today: How and Why Do

Children Get Involved in War?" – Jennifer Kohnke, Aurora University

"’Rosie the Riveter Didn’t Live in Puerto Rico:’ the Home Front in a

Caribbean Island during World War II" – Mirta L. Nieves Meijas,

University of Puerto Rico

"Genocide and Forced Collectivization in Stalinist Russia,"

- Frank Piccirillo, Florida Gulf Coast University

1230 – 130: Lunch on Your Own – FCH Business Meeting


130 – 545pm: Concurrent Sessions

130- 245pm

Session I: War, Nationalism, Revolution and Counter – Revolution in Germany

Seafarer Room, 3rd Floor

Chair: Michael Rodriguez, Florida Gulf Coast University

Discussant: Frank Piccirillo, Florida Gulf Coast University

"Manfred von Richtofen and the Making of a Greater Great War"

- Janet Schalk, Florida Gulf Coast University

"Strange Bedfellows: The SPD, the Freikorps and the Suppression

Of the Far Left in the German Revolution" – William Murphy

"The Night of the Long Knives: The Defeat of the SA and the Rise

of the SS" – Sara Gottwalles, Florida Gulf Coast University

Session II: Politics & Social Change in Europe and the United States, 1900 – 1939

Mariner Room, 3rd Floor

Chair: Nicholas J. Steneck, Florida Southern College

Discussants: Mike Denham and Nicholas J. Steneck, Florida Southern College

"Post-First World War Automobile Advertisements: Defining Social

Roles and Ideals" – Holly Bennett, Florida Southern College

"‘Within Our Moral and Legal Rights’": The Racially Discriminatory

Policies of Progressive Governors Hiram Johnson and Hoke Smith"

- Richard Soash, Florida Southern College

"Fashion and Feminism in Interwar Britain," Mary Yurso,

Florida Southern College

300 – 430pm

Session I: Topics in Modern U.S. History

Seafarer Room, 3rd Floor

Chair: Michael Epple, Florida Gulf Coast University

"Starving the Mill of Soviet Propagandists: Understanding President

Eisenhower’s Response to the Little Rock Desegregation Crisis"

- Roland Brucken, Norwich University

"‘A Vast Wilderness:’ Fulton Sheen Refuses to Follow the Pro-Soviet

Rhetoric during World War II" – Michael Epple, Florida Gulf Coast


"African Americans and the Civilian Conservation Corps" –

Michael Sanchez, Florida Gulf Coast University

Session II: The United States: From Republic to Empire

Mariner Room, 3rd Floor

Chair: Daniel Vogel, Texas Christian University

"The Historical Context of the Declaration of Independence"

- Stuart Smith III, Germana Community College

"The Benevolent Empire: The Origins of the U.S. Empire"

- Andrew Cain, Florida Gulf Coast University

"McKinley and the Modern Presidency: How the Spanish-American

War Changed the Power of the Presidency" – Heather Kizkiel,

Florida Gulf Coast Univesity

430 – 545pm

Session I: Africa and Asia

Seafarer Room, 3rd Floor

Chair: Kisha King, Broward College

"Integration and Resistance in the Ethiopian Empire State:

The Case of Qellem, 1886-1941" – Etana Habte Dinka,

Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia

Session II: Ireland, Scotland and the Empire

Mariner Room, 3rd Floor

Chair: Blaine T. Browne, Broward College

"The Earliest Form of Irish Surety" – William Mattingly,

Florida Gulf Coast University

"For Freedom Alone: The Birth of Scottish Nationalism in the

Scottish War of Independence" – Keith A. Kelso, Southeastern University

"‘Hmph, Slavery was never an institution here!’: Did Slavery Really

Matter in the Cayman Islands?" – Christopher Williams, University

College of the Cayman Islands














Fun Florida Facts!



David Levy (Yulee)

David Levy Yulee (1810 – 1886), who served as U.S. senator from Florida from the 1840s through 1861, was the first Jewish member of that chamber. Born in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, David accompanied his father Moses Levy to Florida, where the latter purchased some 50,000 acres of land near present-day Jacksonville with hopes of establishing a "New Jerusalem" for Jewish immigrants. The younger Levy studied law before winning election to the U.S. senate when Florida gained statehood in 1845. The following year he adopted the ancestral Sephardic surname Yulee then married Nannie Wickcliffe, with whom he raised two children. Levy bought a 5,000 acre plantation on the Homosassa River, the remains of which are to be found at the Yulee Sugar Mills State Historic Site. During the 1850s, he began construction of the Florida Railroad, which reached Cedar Key just as the Civil War broke out. In 1861, Levy left the U.S. Senate when he sided with the Confederacy, a decision that cost him a stint as a prisoner in Ft. Pulaski after the war ended. Freed, he rebuilt what became the Yulee Railroad. He later moved to Washington, D.C before dying in New York City in 1886. Both the town of Yulee, Florida and Levy County are named for him. In 2000, he was designated a "Great Floridian" by the Florida Department of State.



630 – 830: Banquet, Installation of New Officers and Keynote Address

Harbor Lights Room, 2nd Floor

(attendees desiring an alcoholic beverage may purchase one in the hotel bar)

Welcoming Remarks: Dr. David Proctor,

Tallahassee Community College

President, Florida Conference of Historians, 2009-2010

Introduction of Guest Speaker: Dr. Blaine T. Browne

Broward College

This Year’s Speaker:

David W. Levy, David Ross Boyd Professor of American History, Emeritus

University of Oklahoma

David W. Levy attended the University of Illinois and the University of Chicago before earning a doctorate in history from the University of Wisconsin in 1967. That same year, he began a lengthy and productive tenure at the University of Oklahoma, where he taught American intellectual history. Having only recently retired, Dr. Levy authored numerous articles and reviews in addition to co-editing the Louis Brandeis letters and Franklin Roosevelt’s Fireside Chats. His other major publications include Herbert Croly of the New Republic (1985), The Debate Over Vietnam (1991), a three volume history of the University of Oklahoma (in progress) and most recently Mark Twain: The Divided Mind of America’s Best-Loved Writer (2010). Dr. Levy’s ambitious scholarship is matched by his teaching skills, which were regularly recognized in the numerous teaching awards he received during his years at the University of Oklahoma.

He now resides in Norman, Oklahoma with his wife Lynne and remains actively engaged in research and writing. Dr. Levy’s address tonight is: "Yossarian and McMurphy: Or Why the Sixties Floundered."

Saturday, April 16, 2011

800-900am: Registration, Harbor Lights Room, 2nd Floor

Food and Beverages Provided by W.W. Norton

800am – 1230pm: Concurrent Sessions


Session I: Cowboys and Indians: Iconography and Representation in the Americas

Seafarer Room, 3rd Floor

Chair: Jesse Hingson

"Ernest Bellocq’s Storyville Photographs in the Public Memory since

1970" – Kylie Romero, Jacksonville University

"Commercialization and Nostalgia of the Native American Past:

The Chickasaw Cultural Center, 1977 – Present" – Jennifer L. Johnson,

Jacksonville University

"A Comparative Study of the Cowboy as Cultural Icon in the Americas"

- Christine DePasquale, Jacksonville University

Session II: Florida in the Twentieth Century

Mariner Room, 3rd Floor

Chair: Sean McMahon, Florida Gateway College

"The Politics of Control: Florida and the British West Indian Labor

Program" – Erin Conlin, University of Florida

"Flying in the Sun: World War I pilot Training at Carlstrom Field,

Florida, 1917-1918" – Erik D. Carlson, Florida Gulf Coast University

"Strom Thurmond and the Failed Dixiecrat Revolt of 1948 in Florida"

- Seth A. Weitz, Dalton State College

930 – 1045am

Session I: Florida, From Piracy to Nuclear Power

Seafarer Room, 3rd Floor

Chair: Sheila Jones, Broward College

"Plundering the Peninsula: Piracy, Privateering and Smuggling

in Florida Waters" Daniel Vogel, Texas Christian University

"Floating the Idea: The Failure of Nuclear Power in Jacksonville,

1970-1985" – Michael Bunch, Jacksonville University

Session II: Explorations in US Immigration Policy

Mariner Room, 3rd Floor

Chair: Cassidy Henry, Florida Atlantic University

"The Molly Maguires: Creating History, Destroying Fact"

- Ashley Irizarry, Florida Atlantic University

"In the Void: State Policy Making in the Absence of Federal

Enforcement of Immigration" – Robert Bruton, Florida

Atlantic University

"Immigration, Population and the Environment" – Megan Allore,

Florida Atlantic University

1100am – 1230pm

Session I: New Directions in Historical Studies

Seafarer Room, 3rd Floor

Chair: Rowena Hernandez-Muzquiz, Broward College

"Slowly, Yesterday Went: An Overview of Economic Aspects of the

First Decades of the United States Space Industry" – Ian Morris,

Florida Gulf Coast University

"Africa and African-Americans in the Digital Age: Project Mosaic

And Zora Neale Hurston" – Julian C. Chambliss, Rollins College


Session II: Issues in Contemporary European History

Mariner Room, 3rd Floor

Chair: Jack McTague, St. Leo University

Discussant: Will Murphy, Florida Gulf Coast University

"Hitler versus Christ: Nazism’s Shifting Attitudes toward Christianity"

- Michael Rodriguez, Florida Gulf Coast University

"What’s in a Name?: EU Foreign Policy Evaluated through the FYRM"

- Cassidy Henry, Florida Atlantic University

"The Revolution May Be Televised: The Legacy of the Situationist

International" – Leslie Williams, Florida Atlantic University

"NATO from Cold War Plans to Post-Cold War Out-of-Area

Peacekeeping" – Marco Rimanelli, St. Leo University

1230pm: Conclusion of Conference Activities

– See You Next Year in Lake City, February 23- 25, 2012 when FCH meets under the sponsorship of Florida Gateway College and President-elect Sean McMahon.