Hosted by

Blaine T. Browne


Broward Community College

Ft. Lauderdale Beach Florida



Thursday, April 4


7:00–10:00 p.m.

Registration and Reception: Penthouse

Reception Refreshments provided by McGraw-Hill Companies and FCH



Friday, April 5


Continuing Registration - Penthouse Foyer

Refreshments Courtesy of Prentice Hall and FCH


8:30 -10 a.m.


Session I: Issues in Modern American History


Chair: Noel Jacoby, Lake City Community College


“Academic Freedom Then and Now”

Sean McMahon, Lake City Community College


“I Pledge Allegiance to the American Way; Florida's Americanism versus Communism Curriculum”

 Andrea Howard, Florida State University


“Urban Violence, ‘Riotous Behavior’ and Self-Defense: Watts Revisited”

Chris Strain, Florida Atlantic University (Jupiter Campus)


10:15 -11:15 a.m.


Session II:  The United States and International Affairs


Chair, Sean McMahon, Lake City Community College


“Pulp Paper Magazines and the Myth of the Anglo-American Cooperation”

David Richards, Lake City Community College


“On Their Own Terms: US Response to Operation ‘Peter Pan’”

Melissa Soldani-Lemon, Tallahassee Community College


11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.


Session III:  Hitler's Germany


Chair: David Marshall, University of California


“The Failure of Operation ‘Sea Lion’”

Amy Carney, Jacksonville University


“To Leave or Stay: German Scientists under Hitler”

Colleen Harris, Jacksonville University


12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

Riverside Lunch:  - You're on Your Own!


1:30 - 2:00 p.m.

Business Meeting: Officers and Members Invited


2:00 - 3:00 p.m.


Session IV: Europe: Early Russia and Elizabethan England


Chair: Jay Clarke, Jacksonville University


“The Cultural and Political Impacts of the Mongol Invasion of Russia”

Adam Harpstreit, University of Tampa


“Flushing Chalk: The Elizabethan Privy Council and the Repair of Dover Harbor”

David Mock, Tallahassee Community College


3:15 - 4:15 p.m.

Session V: Germany: Perspectives from within and Without


Chair: David Mock, Tallahassee Community College


“The East German Museum of History”

David Marshall, University of California, Riverside


“News of the Persecution of German Jewry in 1935”

Robert Drake, Sienna College


4:30 - 5:30 p.m.


Session VI: Africa and Asia


Chair: Owen Farley, Pensacola Junior College


“Slavery as a Comparative Unit of Analysis of European and Islamic Civilizations in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean Basins”

Michael Auterson, Eastern Kentucky University


“Seeking a Model for Modernization: The Japanizers of Ethiopia”

Jay Clarke, Jacksonville University


7:00 - 8:00 p.m.



Keynote Address: “Trouble in Mind: African Americans and Race Relations in the 20th Century”

Leon Litwack, University of California, Berkeley

Professor Litwack’s appearance was arranged through the Organization of American Historians’ Lectureship Program and was made possible by funding provided by the Broward Community College Foundation.


Saturday, April 6


Late Registration

Refreshments provided by Allyn & Bacon / Longman



 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.


Session VII: Teaching World History


Chair: Blaine T. Browne, Broward Community College


“Using Personal Narratives to teach a Global Perspective”

Jennifer Trost, St. Leo University


“World History and the World Wide Web: A Student Satisfaction Survey and a Blinding Flash of the Obvious”

James Longhurst, Carnegie - Mellon University


10:15 - 11:15 a.m.


Session VIII: Native Americans and the Revolutionary Era


Chair: Ima J. Stephens, Appalachian State University


“The Spaniards' Secret Weapon: Illinois Indians and the Weakening of the Chickasaw’s Loyalist Party”

Wendy St. Jean, Tufts University


“The Pursuit of Freedom: Cherokee Identity”

Dixie Haggart, University of Kansas


11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.


Session IX: The Modern Middle East


Chair: Will Benedicks, Tallahassee Community College


“The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and Camp David: What went Wrong?”

Jack McTague, St. Leo University


“Iraq: Current Issues”

Marco Rimanelli, St. Leo College


Conference Conclusion - Final Remarks - Blaine T. Brown